Unanswered 4: Versions of Self

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Who we are as a person can depend on where we are, both in time and location. While we are busy adapting to our ever-changing environment is it possible to ever really be our true self?

We look at the times and places that influence us and try to discover why we have subsets of our personality. We successfully fail at not focusing on the workplace.

Also Steev has a cold.

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Unanswered 3: Christmas obligations

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Christmas is coming and for those who choose to observe the seasonal celebrations, there’s a lot to do. There are lists to write, gifts to buy, cards to send, people to please and white lies to tell—so it’s just as well it happens but once a year.

Everything and everyone is telling us what a happy time it is, so why can it end up feeling like work?

We take a look at some of the obligations to fulfil during this most seasonal of seasons and share several personal stories. Hopefully for context and comfort, but you are also welcome to enjoy our misfortune and mild misanthropy.

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